I am Silverdale
I am Strong
My strength comes from within, I know who I am, I know that I am only limited by my imagination. I am Strong.
I have Integrity
I do the right thing always, even when no one is looking. I make commitments and I follow through on them. I have integrity.
I am a Learner
No task or assignment is too difficult. I am not good or bad at anything, but I get better through hard work. I am a learner.
I am Valuable
I was made to be awesome, I was made to change the world. I make important and valuable contributions to my school, my community, my province, and my world. I am valuable.
I am an Encourager
I am not only valuable, I see the value in others and tell them about it. I encourage and support those around me to be the best they can be. I am an encourager.
I am Resilient
I know that difficulty will come. When it does I get back up, dust myself off, learn from the experience, and keep on going. I know that I have the strength and support I need to be successful.
I am Daring
I do not let fear stop me from doing what is right, from achieving my goals, or completing my tasks. I am daring.
I am Awesome
I inspire others to do great things because I am inspired to by others to become better. I am admired by others because I act in a way that is to be admire. I am awesome.
I am Loved
I know that at school I am loved. People around me build me up, take care of me, challenge me, and accept me. That is how I know that I am loved.
Every day
I am better than the day before. I know more, I care more, I understand more. Every day, I am better…
I am Silverdale.