Meet the teachers, tour the school and participate in fun activities. Each family will receive a bag of resources to take home.
Leaving the school sharp at 9:15 am.
Moose Hide Campaign Day is a day of ceremony where all Canadians are called to join together to take a stand against violence towards women and children and to take practical steps for our collective journey of reconciliation.For further information please click here
Join Early Years Navigators for stories and activities on the playground. Meet new friends and families in your school community.
Did you know?
There are 25 different languages spoken in the Mission Public Schools community:
International Mother Language Day Act
Unesco definition of International Mother Language Day
I am Strong. I have Integrity. I am a Learner. I am Valuable. I am an Encourager. I am Relentless. I am Daring. I am Awesome. I am Loved. Every Day!